
Koshchey. Pokhititel nevest/德古拉的新娘


《Koshchey. Pokhititel nevest/德古拉的新娘》劇情簡介

導演:Roman Artemyev 

主演:麗扎· 波亞爾斯卡婭 維克多·多勃朗拉沃夫 伊琳娜·薩溫娜 尼基塔·科洛格利維 安東·埃達羅夫 Roman Artemyev Ekaterina Tarasova Yelena Shulman Dmitriy Sychyov 

For some reason, forever young and always immaculately dressed, Koschey has been unable to find a bride for three hundred years. He intimidated, and kidnapped, and turned various princesses into frogs, but these courtship did not help the prince of darkness. Meanwhile, the beautiful hero Varvara onl詳情

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