波拉特:為了近期式微的哈薩克斯坦的利益送給副總統邁克兒·彭斯的色情猴子禮物,波拉特2:為建設偉大祖國哈薩克斯坦而賄賂美國政權,Borat: Gift of Pornographic Monkey to Vice Premiere Mikhael Pence to Make Benefit Recently Diminished Nation of Kazakhstan/波拉特2



主演:薩莎·拜倫·科恩 肯·戴維蒂安 邁克·彭斯 Rud 


《波拉特:為了近期式微的哈薩克斯坦的利益送給副總統邁克兒·彭斯的色情猴子禮物,波拉特2:為建設偉大祖國哈薩克斯坦而賄賂美國政權,Borat: Gift of Pornographic Monkey to Vice Premiere Mikhael Pence to Make Benefit Recently Diminished Nation of Kazakhstan/波拉特2》劇情簡介

To be more specific, this is the Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Chenqui!詳情

廣告招租 TG:@yanky00199影城